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July 9, 2002
RE: Act 246, Session Laws of Hawaii 2002 (Act 246), Relating to the Cigarette and Tobacco Tax
*** NOTE: This Announcement is supplemented by Announcement 2002-19 ***

The cigarette tax stamping program to reduce sales of untaxed cigarettes and stem black market activity was established by Act 249, Session Laws of Hawaii 2000. Under this program, cigarette taxes are collected by the Department of Taxation (Department) when cigarette and tobacco wholesalers and dealers purchase cigarette tax stamps and place the stamps on packs of cigarettes prior to sale.

Act 246 increases the excise tax on cigarettes from 5 cents per cigarette to:

To implement the price increase the Department will:

Act 246 is effective beginning July 1, 2002.

The Department will be revising forms and instructions because of Act 246. Current forms and other tax information are available at the Department’s website at: On Oahu, forms may be ordered by calling the Department’s Forms Request Line at: 587-7572. Persons who are not calling from Oahu, may call: 1-800-222-7572 (toll-free) to receive forms by mail or by fax.

Director of Taxation
HRS Section Explained: HRS Sections 245-3.