Open Primary 98 - STATE OF HAWAII - City & County of Honolulu                                                  Page 001
9/19/98                                                                                 Printed on 10/19/98 at 04:27 pm
** Summary Report **                                                                                                   
Number 1.                                                                                                              
U.S. Senator HAWAII (L)                |Governor HAWAII (L)                    |State Senator - [D 10] (D)             
                       213 of 215  99.1|                      213 of 213  100.0|                        12 of 12  100.0
MALLAN, Lloyd (Jeff)         197   88.3|PEABODY, George G.           196   87.9|IHARA, Les, Jr.             2362   80.1
  Blank Votes                 26   11.7|  Blank Votes                 27   12.1|  Blank Votes                586   19.9
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
U.S. Senator HAWAII (D)                |Governor HAWAII (D)                    |State Senator - [D 13] (D)             
                       213 of 215  99.1|                      213 of 213  100.0|                        13 of 13  100.0
INOUYE, Daniel K.          65950   90.6|CAYETANO, Ben              59382   81.6|TAM, Rod                    2438   48.2
THOMPSON, Richard           4295    5.9|BREWER, Jim                 3480    4.8|HIDANO, Audrey E.           2409   47.6
  Blank Votes               2464    3.4|TAMURA, Fred K.             1537    2.1|  Blank Votes                205    4.1
  OverVotes                  103    0.1|HO, Richard C. S.           1393    1.9|  OverVotes                    4    0.1
=======================================|SHIRATORI, Miles F.          950    1.3|=======================================
U.S. Senator HAWAII (NP)               |ONAGA, Raymond N.            861    1.2|State Senator - [D 13] (R)             
                       213 of 215  99.1|  Blank Votes               5114    7.0|                        13 of 13  100.0
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                   95    0.1|---------------------------------------
BROWN, J. Turner              79   75.2|=======================================|RASMUSSEN, Cindy            2485   43.7
  Blank Votes                 26   24.8|Governor HAWAII (NP)                   |MINGA, Dennis               1150   20.2
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                      213 of 213  100.0|  Blank Votes               2047   36.0
=======================================|---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    5    0.1
U.S. Senator HAWAII (R)                |HITCHCOCK, Larry              49   46.7|=======================================
                       213 of 215  99.1|MATTES, Paul J. (Cobra)       24   22.9|State Senator - [D 17] (L)             
---------------------------------------|NAJIBI, Michael               16   15.2|                        11 of 11  100.0
YOUNG, Crystal             20859   17.0|  Blank Votes                 15   14.3|---------------------------------------
FRIEDHEIM, Jay Lawrence    17046   13.9|  OverVotes                    1    1.0|GRAYSON, Robert               13  100.0
DOUGLASS, Eugene F.         7481    6.1|=======================================|  Blank Votes                  0    0.0
DELUZE, James R.            6475    5.3|Governor HAWAII (R)                    |  OverVotes                    0    0.0
AMEN, Randolph John         5866    4.8|                      213 of 213  100.0|=======================================
SINK, William Fenton        5682    4.6|---------------------------------------|State Senator - [D 17] (D)             
GREGORY, Stuart             4562    3.7|LINGLE, Linda              80534   65.6|                        11 of 11  100.0
FRIEL, Harry J.             4227    3.4|FASI, Frank F.             41211   33.6|---------------------------------------
MANNER, Paul                2410    2.0|  Blank Votes               1018    0.8|IGE, David Y.               4016   83.0
  Blank Votes              48006   39.1|  OverVotes                   43    0.0|  Blank Votes                825   17.0
  OverVotes                  192    0.2|=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
=======================================|Governor HAWAII (G)                    |=======================================
U.S. Representative - [D 1] (NL)       |                      213 of 213  100.0|State Senator - [D 18] (D)             
                       145 of 146  99.3|---------------------------------------|                        11 of 11  100.0
---------------------------------------|KUHELEAUMOKUNAWAALOABULA'    104   95.4|---------------------------------------
BEDWORTH, Nicholas            35  100.0|  Blank Votes                  5    4.6|IWASE, Randy                4116   86.7
  Blank Votes                  0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes                630   13.3
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
=======================================|Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (L)         |=======================================
U.S. Representative - [D 1] (D)        |                      213 of 213  100.0|State Senator - [D 18] (R)             
                       145 of 146  99.3|---------------------------------------|                        11 of 11  100.0
---------------------------------------|BARTLEY, Larry               195   87.4|---------------------------------------
ABERCROMBIE, Neil          40492   84.5|  Blank Votes                 28   12.6|ANCHETA, Roger              4687   52.1
KAAN, Alexandra             2089    4.4|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes               4302   47.9
CANOPIN, Al Jr.             1783    3.7|=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  Blank Votes               3492    7.3|Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (D)         |=======================================
  OverVotes                   53    0.1|                      213 of 213  100.0|State Senator - [D 19] (L)             
=======================================|---------------------------------------|                        13 of 13  100.0
U.S. Representative - [D 1] (R)        |HIRONO, Mazie              61062   83.9|---------------------------------------
                       145 of 146  99.3|COOK, Nancy L.              6620    9.1|ZHAO, Li                       9  100.0
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes               5095    7.0|  Blank Votes                  0    0.0
WARD, Gene                 54844   65.6|  OverVotes                   35    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
KAWANANAKOA, Quentin K.     9233   11.0|=======================================|=======================================
  Blank Votes              19480   23.3|Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (R)         |State Senator - [D 19] (D)             
  OverVotes                   80    0.1|                      213 of 213  100.0|                        13 of 13  100.0
U.S. Representative - [D 2] (L)        |KOKI, Stan                 53418   43.5|KAWAMOTO, Calvin K. (Cal)   4385   82.1
                         68 of 69  98.6|LIU, Mike (Minoru)         46844   38.1|  Blank Votes                954   17.9
---------------------------------------|DUDLEY, Kioni              11152    9.1|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
CHUN, Noreen Leilehua         77   83.7|LESSARY, Jonalin Kelani     2548    2.1|=======================================
  Blank Votes                 15   16.3|  Blank Votes               8752    7.1|State Senator - [D 21] (D)             
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                   92    0.1|                          8 of 8  100.0
U.S. Representative - [D 2] (D)        |Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (G)         |HANABUSA, Colleen           1448   43.2
                         68 of 69  98.6|                      213 of 213  100.0|AKI, James                  1118   33.3
---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|KILA, Glen Makakaualii       703   21.0
MINK, Patsy Takemoto       20634   82.9|KA'U MANUA, K.K. Jr.          96   88.1|  Blank Votes                 74    2.2
BOURGOIN, David L.          2547   10.2|  Blank Votes                 13   11.9|  OverVotes                   11    0.3
  Blank Votes               1695    6.8|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================
  OverVotes                   27    0.1|=======================================|State Senator - [D 21] (R)             
=======================================|State Senator - [D 10] (L)             |                          8 of 8  100.0
U.S. Representative - [D 2] (R)        |                        12 of 12  100.0|---------------------------------------
                         68 of 69  98.6|---------------------------------------|JOHNSON, Dickyj             2211   60.3
---------------------------------------|GARDNER, Darrel D.            18   90.0|  Blank Votes               1453   39.7
DOUGLASS, Carol J.         10234   26.1|  Blank Votes                  2   10.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
O'LEARY, Paul (Steve)       8620   22.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================
WHITE, Thomas E.            5043   12.9|=======================================|                                       
  Blank Votes              15261   39.0|                                       |                                       
  OverVotes                   11    0.0|                                       |                                       
Open Primary 98 - STATE OF HAWAII - City & County of Honolulu                                                  Page 002
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** Summary Report **                                                                                                   
Number 1.                                                                                                              
State Senator - [D 22] (D)             |State Representative - [D 18] (D)      |State Representative - [D 23] (NL)     
                        11 of 11  100.0|                          6 of 6  100.0|                          7 of 7  100.0
BUNDA, Robert (Bobby)       2152   48.9|SAY, Calvin K.Y.            1795   63.4|CLEGG, Lauri A.                7   87.5
HAGINO, Gerald T. (Gerry)   2137   48.5|NAKAYAMA, Darlene H.         974   34.4|  Blank Votes                  1   12.5
  Blank Votes                107    2.4|  Blank Votes                 60    2.1|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  OverVotes                    6    0.1|  OverVotes                    2    0.1|=======================================
=======================================|=======================================|State Representative - [D 23] (D)      
State Senator - [D 22] (R)             |State Representative - [D 18] (R)      |                          7 of 7  100.0
                        11 of 11  100.0|                          6 of 6  100.0|---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|CASE, Ed                    2114   87.8
ALAILIMA, Tuisamau (Tui)    1872   50.7|KINOSHITA, Joseph A.        1541   52.2|  Blank Votes                293   12.2
  Blank Votes               1820   49.3|GAU, Wayne W.                429   14.5|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes                980   33.2|=======================================
=======================================|  OverVotes                    1    0.0|State Representative - [D 23] (R)      
State Senator - [D 23] (L)             |=======================================|                          7 of 7  100.0
                          9 of 9  100.0|State Representative - [D 18] (G)      |---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|                          6 of 6  100.0|YIM, Walter P.              2110   49.4
POWELL, Michael Verschuur     21   91.3|---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes               2158   50.6
  Blank Votes                  2    8.7|SCHMITT, Ed                    4   80.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes                  1   20.0|=======================================
=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 24] (D)      
State Senator - [D 23] (D)             |=======================================|                          6 of 6  100.0
                          9 of 9  100.0|State Representative - [D 19] (D)      |---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|                          7 of 7  100.0|SCHATZ, Brian               1145   77.6
NAKATA, Bob                 2272   47.8|---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                330   22.4
HARTMANN, Debi              1051   22.1|YAMANE, Brian Y.            1449   79.1|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
TOM, Terrance W.H.           906   19.0|DUBIEL, Joe                  220   12.0|=======================================
BELLINGER, Reb               454    9.5|  Blank Votes                162    8.8|State Representative - [D 24] (R)      
  Blank Votes                 64    1.3|  OverVotes                    1    0.1|                          6 of 6  100.0
  OverVotes                   10    0.2|=======================================|---------------------------------------
=======================================|State Representative - [D 19] (R)      |AIONA, Sam                  2467   65.6
State Senator - [D 23] (R)             |                          7 of 7  100.0|  Blank Votes               1291   34.4
                          9 of 9  100.0|---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
---------------------------------------|SHARP, Bill                 1261   34.1|=======================================
PICKARD, Joe                3858   64.3|RICH, Jessica Lani          1093   29.6|State Representative - [D 25] (D)      
  Blank Votes               2142   35.7|  Blank Votes               1334   36.1|                          6 of 6  100.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                   10    0.3|---------------------------------------
=======================================|=======================================|HIRAKI, Kenneth T. (Ken)    1348   76.4
State Representative - [D 15] (D)      |State Representative - [D 20] (D)      |McCAIN, Pat                  338   19.2
                          5 of 5  100.0|                          5 of 5  100.0|  Blank Votes                 78    4.4
---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
STEGMAIER, Dave             1398   87.6|SAIKI, Scott K.             1287   88.1|=======================================
  Blank Votes                198   12.4|  Blank Votes                174   11.9|State Representative - [D 25] (R)      
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                          6 of 6  100.0
State Representative - [D 15] (R)      |State Representative - [D 20] (R)      |MOLINA, Louis A.            1487   53.0
                          5 of 5  100.0|                          5 of 5  100.0|  Blank Votes               1318   47.0
---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
MIANO, Rich Jr.             2687   50.1|BETTENCOURT, Troy           1090   46.4|=======================================
  Blank Votes               2674   49.9|  Blank Votes               1257   53.6|State Representative - [D 26] (D)      
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                          7 of 7  100.0
State Representative - [D 16] (D)      |State Representative - [D 21] (D)      |LUKE, Sylvia                1476   44.9
                          6 of 6  100.0|                          5 of 5  100.0|LEE, Terry                  1260   38.4
---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|FUNG, Paul                   397   12.1
ISHIMI, Jon                 1102   78.0|BROWER, Tom                  592   73.7|  Blank Votes                151    4.6
  Blank Votes                310   22.0|  Blank Votes                211   26.3|  OverVotes                    1    0.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================
=======================================|=======================================|State Representative - [D 26] (R)      
State Representative - [D 16] (R)      |State Representative - [D 21] (R)      |                          7 of 7  100.0
                          6 of 6  100.0|                          5 of 5  100.0|---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|DAWSON, Christopher M.      1413   41.3
LEONG, Bertha F.K.          2094   37.0|FOX, Galen                  1950   72.2|KUROIWA, Jared I.           1204   35.2
VOEGE, Bob                   911   16.1|DeFLAVIS, Raymond E.         245    9.1|  Blank Votes                805   23.5
SUTTON, Warner Kimo          802   14.2|  Blank Votes                504   18.7|  OverVotes                    1    0.0
MULKERN, Kevin J.            689   12.2|  OverVotes                    1    0.0|=======================================
TERRY, Mark                  486    8.6|=======================================|State Representative - [D 27] (D)      
  Blank Votes                677   11.9|State Representative - [D 22] (D)      |                          7 of 7  100.0
  OverVotes                    7    0.1|                          5 of 5  100.0|---------------------------------------
=======================================|---------------------------------------|AHU ISA, Lei                1760   83.3
State Representative - [D 17] (D)      |YOSHINAGA, Terry Nui         753   48.3|  Blank Votes                353   16.7
                          7 of 7  100.0|TAKAHASHI, Melvin (Mel)      472   30.3|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
---------------------------------------|TORIGOE, Charles K.          225   14.4|=======================================
TATAII, Steve               1030   53.3|  Blank Votes                107    6.9|State Representative - [D 27] (R)      
  Blank Votes                903   46.7|  OverVotes                    3    0.2|                          7 of 7  100.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================|---------------------------------------
=======================================|State Representative - [D 22] (R)      |CHING, Corinne W.L.         2388   68.6
State Representative - [D 17] (R)      |                          5 of 5  100.0|AKAMINE, Ken                 553   15.9
                          7 of 7  100.0|---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                537   15.4
---------------------------------------|HOLS, William (Bill)        1101   49.4|  OverVotes                    1    0.0
MARUMOTO, Barbara           4613   76.8|  Blank Votes               1129   50.6|=======================================
  Blank Votes               1390   23.2|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                       
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================|                                       
Open Primary 98 - STATE OF HAWAII - City & County of Honolulu                                                  Page 003
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** Summary Report **                                                                                                   
Number 1.                                                                                                              
State Representative - [D 28] (D)      |State Representative - [D 33] (R)      |State Representative - [D 39] (D)      
                          5 of 5  100.0|                          6 of 6  100.0|                          6 of 6  100.0
ARAKAKI, Dennis A.          1752   91.8|HANAOKA, Allen Takeshi      1863   49.1|MENOR, Ron                  2470   89.9
  Blank Votes                157    8.2|  Blank Votes               1929   50.9|  Blank Votes                279   10.1
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
State Representative - [D 28] (R)      |State Representative - [D 34] (L)      |State Representative - [D 39] (R)      
                          5 of 5  100.0|                          4 of 4  100.0|                          6 of 6  100.0
DAOANG-CHEW, Mel             599   28.4|MONAHAN, Guy                   8   88.9|ONTAI, Guy Po'olanui        2372   44.2
PERRELLS, Diana Piilani      532   25.2|  Blank Votes                  1   11.1|McENERNEY, Irene K.         1286   24.0
OKUMA, Warren                350   16.6|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes               1708   31.8
  Blank Votes                625   29.6|=======================================|  OverVotes                    2    0.0
  OverVotes                    2    0.1|State Representative - [D 34] (D)      |=======================================
=======================================|                          4 of 4  100.0|State Representative - [D 40] (D)      
State Representative - [D 29] (D)      |---------------------------------------|                          5 of 5  100.0
                          6 of 6  100.0|TAKAI, K. Mark              1930   90.3|---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                207    9.7|OSHIRO, Marcus R.           2405   87.0
ABINSAY, Jun                1218   81.7|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes                359   13.0
  Blank Votes                272   18.3|=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 35] (D)      |=======================================
=======================================|                          5 of 5  100.0|State Representative - [D 40] (R)      
State Representative - [D 29] (R)      |---------------------------------------|                          5 of 5  100.0
                          6 of 6  100.0|YONAMINE, Noboru (Nobu)     2274   88.6|---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                293   11.4|SANTANA, Raymond A.         1052   56.7
HARDING, Ken                 530   35.4|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes                802   43.3
ANDAYA, Mark A.              386   25.8|=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  Blank Votes                578   38.6|State Representative - [D 35] (R)      |=======================================
  OverVotes                    5    0.3|                          5 of 5  100.0|State Representative - [D 41] (D)      
=======================================|---------------------------------------|                          6 of 6  100.0
State Representative - [D 30] (D)      |KAHUNAHANA, Ken             1625   46.0|---------------------------------------
                          6 of 6  100.0|  Blank Votes               1911   54.0|OSHIRO, Paul T.             1675   86.5
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|ALEXANDER, Jeff              176    9.1
CACHOLA, Romy M.            1181   87.4|=======================================|  Blank Votes                 83    4.3
  Blank Votes                171   12.6|State Representative - [D 36] (D)      |  OverVotes                    2    0.1
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                          7 of 7  100.0|=======================================
=======================================|---------------------------------------|State Representative - [D 41] (R)      
State Representative - [D 30] (R)      |TAKUMI, Roy M.              1310   48.8|                          6 of 6  100.0
                          6 of 6  100.0|SONSON, Alex M.             1302   48.5|---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                 67    2.5|MIYASHIRO, Mary Ann         1514   43.8
SANTIAGO, Rob                642   57.4|  OverVotes                    8    0.3|SMITH, Garry P.             1051   30.4
  Blank Votes                476   42.6|=======================================|  Blank Votes                887   25.7
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 36] (R)      |  OverVotes                    3    0.1
=======================================|                          7 of 7  100.0|=======================================
State Representative - [D 31] (D)      |---------------------------------------|State Representative - [D 42] (D)      
                          7 of 7  100.0|NUUSA, John A.               741   51.0|                          8 of 8  100.0
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                712   49.0|---------------------------------------
SUZUKI, Nathan              1886   81.3|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|TIMSON, Maeda C.            1395   58.2
  Blank Votes                435   18.7|=======================================|NICOLAS, Fernie S.           789   32.9
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 37] (D)      |  Blank Votes                210    8.8
=======================================|                          7 of 7  100.0|  OverVotes                    2    0.1
State Representative - [D 31] (R)      |---------------------------------------|=======================================
                          7 of 7  100.0|GARCIA, Nestor R.           2168   89.3|State Representative - [D 42] (R)      
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                259   10.7|                          8 of 8  100.0
MAHAR, Michael              1637   42.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|---------------------------------------
  Blank Votes               2262   58.0|=======================================|MOSES, Mark                 3134   73.5
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 37] (NP)     |  Blank Votes               1129   26.5
=======================================|                          7 of 7  100.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
State Representative - [D 32] (D)      |---------------------------------------|=======================================
                          5 of 5  100.0|FEATHERAN, Robert Jr.          8  100.0|State Representative - [D 43] (D)      
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                  0    0.0|                          5 of 5  100.0
TANGONAN, Wilfred (Bill)     811   81.1|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|---------------------------------------
  Blank Votes                189   18.9|=======================================|KAHIKINA, Michael P.        1379   84.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 37] (R)      |  Blank Votes                262   16.0
=======================================|                          7 of 7  100.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
State Representative - [D 32] (R)      |---------------------------------------|=======================================
                          5 of 5  100.0|NAKAMITSU, Daniel           1308   50.5|State Representative - [D 43] (R)      
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes               1282   49.5|                          5 of 5  100.0
McDERMOTT, Bob              1456   73.9|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|---------------------------------------
  Blank Votes                515   26.1|=======================================|KISSELL, Denton             1094   61.3
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 38] (D)      |  Blank Votes                692   38.7
=======================================|                          4 of 4  100.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
State Representative - [D 33] (D)      |---------------------------------------|=======================================
                          6 of 6  100.0|LEE, Marilyn B.             1589   81.5|State Representative - [D 44] (L)      
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                360   18.5|                          3 of 3  100.0
OKAMURA, Tom                1764   74.8|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|---------------------------------------
ROBINSON, Shirley A.         499   21.2|=======================================|ELLIOTT, Glen                  5  100.0
  Blank Votes                 94    4.0|State Representative - [D 38] (R)      |  Blank Votes                  0    0.0
  OverVotes                    1    0.0|                          4 of 4  100.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
                                       |BOTELHO, Rodney W. (Rod)    1844   51.8|                                       
                                       |  Blank Votes               1715   48.2|                                       
                                       |  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                       
Open Primary 98 - STATE OF HAWAII - City & County of Honolulu                                                  Page 004
9/19/98                                                                                 Printed on 10/19/98 at 04:27 pm
** Summary Report **                                                                                                   
Number 1.                                                                                                              
State Representative - [D 44] (D)      |State Representative - [D 49] (R)      |Councilmember - [D 6] (SP)             
                          3 of 3  100.0|                          6 of 6  100.0|                        25 of 25  100.0
JONES, Merwyn Seichi         867   50.6|THIELEN, Cynthia            3920   78.8|YOSHIMURA, Jon             11840   59.1
DE LUDE, Clarence H.         500   29.2|  Blank Votes               1055   21.2|  Blank Votes               8197   40.9
ROSA, George K.              160    9.3|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
HERRMANN, Charles            106    6.2|=======================================|=======================================
  Blank Votes                 76    4.4|State Representative - [D 50] (D)      |Councilmember - [D 7] (SP)             
  OverVotes                    4    0.2|                          7 of 7  100.0|                        23 of 23  100.0
State Representative - [D 44] (R)      |MURAKAMI, David A.          1334   80.5|KIM, Donna Mercado         10191   63.6
                          3 of 3  100.0|  Blank Votes                324   19.5|  Blank Votes               5821   36.4
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
AUWAE, Emily J. Daniel      1267   67.5|=======================================|=======================================
AWANA, Les                   238   12.7|State Representative - [D 50] (R)      |Councilmember - [D 8] (SP)             
  Blank Votes                373   19.9|                          7 of 7  100.0|                        24 of 24  100.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------
=======================================|PENDLETON, David A.         3296   64.1|HANNEMANN, Mufi            14585   60.1
State Representative - [D 45] (D)      |  Blank Votes               1849   35.9|  Blank Votes               9694   39.9
                          6 of 6  100.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
SANTIAGO, Alex              1482   86.3|State Representative - [D 51] (D)      |Councilmember - [D 9] (SP)             
  Blank Votes                235   13.7|                          7 of 7  100.0|                        24 of 24  100.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------
=======================================|GOODENOW, Kenny             1036   67.4|DESOTO, John               11368   56.3
State Representative - [D 45] (R)      |WINCHESTER, Alika            392   25.5|VELLESES, Gary Kahinano     4672   23.1
                          6 of 6  100.0|  Blank Votes                106    6.9|  Blank Votes               4147   20.5
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    2    0.1|  OverVotes                    7    0.0
REZENTS, Jeff               1272   63.5|=======================================|=======================================
TILLEY, Gordon Jr.           391   19.5|State Representative - [D 51] (R)      |BOE No Dept Dist Res (SP)              
  Blank Votes                338   16.9|                          7 of 7  100.0|                      213 of 213  100.0
  OverVotes                    2    0.1|---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------
=======================================|ANDERSON, Eve Glover        2366   57.0|KNUDSEN, Karen             77242   12.8
State Representative - [D 46] (D)      |KALIMA, Leona M.             979   23.6|AJIFU, Shannon K.          58743    9.7
                          4 of 4  100.0|  Blank Votes                808   19.5|SAKATA, Keith A.           48354    8.0
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    1    0.0|MATSUDA, Alan T.           41135    6.8
BEIRNE, D. Ululani K.        745   38.6|=======================================|HARRIS, Marilyn A.         37876    6.3
WILSON, Charlene             652   33.8|Councilmember - [D 1] (SP)             |COMPTON, John Michael      27481    4.5
TANOUYE, Charles Y. Jr.      292   15.1|                        22 of 22  100.0|LINVILLE, Marcia L.        19477    3.2
  Blank Votes                239   12.4|---------------------------------------|KIRKPATRICK, Malcolm       16975    2.8
  OverVotes                    2    0.1|MANSHO, Rene               11041   43.3|HALL, James V. (Jim)       16530    2.7
=======================================|LABOY, Clifford             8428   33.1|WALTZ, Denita L.           11111    1.8
State Representative - [D 46] (R)      |KAMAUOHA, Laakea             769    3.0|HORIGAN, Damien P.          6507    1.1
                          4 of 4  100.0|REYES, Arturo Pacheco        709    2.8|  Under Votes             242154   40.0
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes               4498   17.7|  OverVotes                 1164    0.2
MEYER, Colleen              1941   77.7|  OverVotes                   37    0.1|=======================================
  Blank Votes                556   22.3|=======================================|BOE 4th Dept (Cent Oahu) (SP)          
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|Councilmember - [D 2] (SP)             |                      213 of 213  100.0
=======================================|                        24 of 24  100.0|---------------------------------------
State Representative - [D 47] (D)      |---------------------------------------|McMILLEN, Francis          36378   18.0
                          4 of 4  100.0|HOLMES, Steve              10704   41.3|LYONS, Marilee Y.          29397   14.6
---------------------------------------|ADUJA, Melodie Williams     6041   23.3|REZENTS, Debra             23601   11.7
CATALANI, Iris Ikeda        2305   82.6|SMITH, Danny                2672   10.3|CHI, Howard A.             20067   10.0
  Blank Votes                485   17.4|PICO, Tom, Jr.              2407    9.3|  Blank Votes              91810   45.5
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes               4050   15.6|  OverVotes                  330    0.2
=======================================|  OverVotes                   22    0.1|=======================================
State Representative - [D 47] (R)      |=======================================|BOE 6th Dept (Windward Oahu) (SP)      
                          4 of 4  100.0|Councilmember - [D 3] (SP)             |                      213 of 213  100.0
---------------------------------------|                        24 of 24  100.0|---------------------------------------
DJOU, Charles Kong          2413   63.2|---------------------------------------|HEUPEL, Jacqueline L.      41828   20.7
  Blank Votes               1405   36.8|FELIX, John Henry          16569   58.8|SAKURAI, Winston Y.        36459   18.1
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes              11609   41.2|KUROIWA, James I. Jr.      31297   15.5
=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes              91878   45.6
State Representative - [D 48] (D)      |=======================================|  OverVotes                  121    0.1
                          5 of 5  100.0|Councilmember - [D 4] (SP)              
---------------------------------------|                        24 of 24  100.0 
ITO, Ken                    1902   84.8|--------------------------------------- 
  Blank Votes                342   15.2|BAINUM, Duke               14815   69.0 
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|BREN, Sam                   1640    7.6 
=======================================|  Blank Votes               5011   23.3 
State Representative - [D 48] (R)      |  OverVotes                   14    0.1 
                          5 of 5  100.0|======================================= 
---------------------------------------|Councilmember - [D 5] (SP)              
HARA, Mako                  1858   47.6|                        23 of 23  100.0 
NALUAI, Solomon D.K.         982   25.2|--------------------------------------- 
  Blank Votes               1060   27.2|MIRIKITANI, Andrew (Andy)   7679   38.3 
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|FRANCIS, Russ               6373   31.8 
=======================================|KAAPU, Kekoa David          1954    9.8 
State Representative - [D 49] (D)      |  Blank Votes               4003   20.0 
                          6 of 6  100.0|  OverVotes                   16    0.1 
GREENWOOD, Kyle              664   62.1|                                        
  Blank Votes                405   37.9|                                        
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                        
Open Primary 98 - STATE OF HAWAII - City & County of Honolulu                                                  Page 005
9/19/98                                                                                 Printed on 10/19/98 at 04:27 pm
** Summary Report **                                                                                                   
Number 1.                                                                                                              
TOTAL REGISTRATION....... 411071       | 
TOTAL TURNOUT............ 201583   49.0| 
   PRECINCT TURNOUT...... 174085   42.3| 
      DEM................  62632   15.2| 
      REP................ 106983   26.0| 
      NLAW...............     31    0.0| 
      LIB................    195    0.0| 
      GRN................    100    0.0| 
      NON-P..............     83    0.0| 
   INVALIDATIONS                       | 
      MULTI-PARTY VOTING.   4061    1.0| 
   ABSENTEE TURNOUT......  27498    6.7| 
      DEM................  10180    2.5| 
      REP................  15823    3.8| 
      NLAW...............      4    0.0| 
      LIB................     28    0.0| 
      GRN................      9    0.0| 
      NON-P..............     22    0.0| 
   INVALIDATIONS                       | 
      MULTI-PARTY VOTING.   1432    0.3| 
OVERSEAS TURNOUT.........      0    0.0| 
   1ST CONGRESSIONAL.....      0    0.0| 
   2ND CONGRESSIONAL.....      0    0.0| 