Open Primary 98 - STATE OF HAWAII - Hawaii County                                                              Page 001
9/19/98                                                                                 Printed on 10/19/98 at 04:58 pm
** Summary Report **                                                                                                   
Number 1.                                                                                                              
U.S. Senator HAWAII (L)                |Governor HAWAII (NP)                   |State Senator - [D 2] (D)              
                        59 of 59  100.0|                        59 of 59  100.0|                        17 of 17  100.0
MALLAN, Lloyd (Jeff)          57   91.9|HITCHCOCK, Larry              13   20.3|MATSUURA, David             5026   53.5
  Blank Votes                  5    8.1|MATTES, Paul J. (Cobra)        9   14.1|METCALF, Wayne              4230   45.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|NAJIBI, Michael                9   14.1|  Blank Votes                131    1.4
=======================================|  Blank Votes                 33   51.6|  OverVotes                    9    0.1
U.S. Senator HAWAII (D)                |  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================
                        59 of 59  100.0|=======================================|State Senator - [D 2] (R)              
---------------------------------------|Governor HAWAII (R)                    |                        17 of 17  100.0
INOUYE, Daniel K.          16866   86.3|                        59 of 59  100.0|---------------------------------------
THOMPSON, Richard           1684    8.6|---------------------------------------|WALKER, Denise              2346   50.5
  Blank Votes                971    5.0|LINGLE, Linda              14567   79.6|  Blank Votes               2300   49.5
  OverVotes                   27    0.1|FASI, Frank F.              3549   19.4|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
=======================================|  Blank Votes                163    0.9|=======================================
U.S. Senator HAWAII (NP)               |  OverVotes                   10    0.1|State Representative - [D 1] (D)       
                        59 of 59  100.0|=======================================|                        14 of 14  100.0
---------------------------------------|Governor HAWAII (G)                    |---------------------------------------
BROWN, J. Turner              31   48.4|                        59 of 59  100.0|TAKAMINE, Dwight Y.         3313   81.4
  Blank Votes                 33   51.6|---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                756   18.6
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|KUHELEAUMOKUNAWAALOABULA'    129   62.6|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
=======================================|  Blank Votes                 77   37.4|=======================================
U.S. Senator HAWAII (R)                |  OverVotes                    0    0.0|State Representative - [D 1] (R)       
                        59 of 59  100.0|=======================================|                        14 of 14  100.0
---------------------------------------|Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (L)         |---------------------------------------
YOUNG, Crystal              3345   18.3|                        59 of 59  100.0|HUTCHISON, Terry             868   42.0
DELUZE, James R.            1818    9.9|---------------------------------------|BILL, Charles J.             382   18.5
DOUGLASS, Eugene F.         1448    7.9|BARTLEY, Larry                58   93.5|  Blank Votes                816   39.5
GREGORY, Stuart             1009    5.5|  Blank Votes                  4    6.5|  OverVotes                    1    0.0
FRIEDHEIM, Jay Lawrence      933    5.1|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================
SINK, William Fenton         930    5.1|=======================================|State Representative - [D 2] (L)       
AMEN, Randolph John          814    4.5|Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (D)         |                          9 of 9  100.0
MANNER, Paul                 801    4.4|                        59 of 59  100.0|---------------------------------------
FRIEL, Harry J.              613    3.4|---------------------------------------|O'KEEFE, Jim                   7  100.0
  Blank Votes               6551   35.8|HIRONO, Mazie              15232   77.9|  Blank Votes                  0    0.0
  OverVotes                   27    0.1|COOK, Nancy L.              2314   11.8|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
=======================================|  Blank Votes               1993   10.2|=======================================
U.S. Representative - [D 2] (L)        |  OverVotes                    9    0.0|State Representative - [D 2] (D)       
                        59 of 59  100.0|=======================================|                          9 of 9  100.0
---------------------------------------|Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (R)         |---------------------------------------
CHUN, Noreen Leilehua         58   93.5|                        59 of 59  100.0|CHANG, Jerry Leslie         3338   82.2
  Blank Votes                  4    6.5|---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                721   17.8
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|KOKI, Stan                  8347   45.6|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
=======================================|LIU, Mike (Minoru)          5098   27.9|=======================================
U.S. Representative - [D 2] (D)        |DUDLEY, Kioni               1633    8.9|State Representative - [D 2] (R)       
                        59 of 59  100.0|LESSARY, Jonalin Kelani      795    4.3|                          9 of 9  100.0
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes               2402   13.1|---------------------------------------
MINK, Patsy Takemoto       15737   80.5|  OverVotes                   14    0.1|HUMPHERS, Steve             1132   53.0
BOURGOIN, David L.          1977   10.1|=======================================|  Blank Votes               1005   47.0
  Blank Votes               1821    9.3|Lieutenant Governor HAWAII (G)         |  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  OverVotes                   13    0.1|                        59 of 59  100.0|=======================================
=======================================|---------------------------------------|State Representative - [D 3] (D)       
U.S. Representative - [D 2] (R)        |KA'U MANUA, K.K. Jr.         134   65.0|                          8 of 8  100.0
                        59 of 59  100.0|  Blank Votes                 72   35.0|---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|HAMAKAWA, Eric G.           4484   84.0
DOUGLASS, Carol J.          5251   28.7|=======================================|  Blank Votes                853   16.0
O'LEARY, Paul (Steve)       4009   21.9|State Senator - [D 1] (D)              |  OverVotes                    0    0.0
WHITE, Thomas E.            2110   11.5|                        21 of 21  100.0|=======================================
  Blank Votes               6912   37.8|---------------------------------------|State Representative - [D 3] (R)       
  OverVotes                    7    0.0|INOUYE, Lorraine Rodero     2306   39.2|                          8 of 8  100.0
=======================================|HOLSCHUH, Fred C.           1848   31.4|---------------------------------------
Governor HAWAII (L)                    |SOLOMON, Malama             1565   26.6|DELA CRUZ, Linda Lillian     827   33.0
                        59 of 59  100.0|  Blank Votes                144    2.5|KEMP, Russell                735   29.3
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                   14    0.2|  Blank Votes                945   37.7
PEABODY, George G.            57   91.9|=======================================|  OverVotes                    2    0.1
  Blank Votes                  5    8.1|State Senator - [D 1] (NP)             |=======================================
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                        21 of 21  100.0|State Representative - [D 4] (L)       
=======================================|---------------------------------------|                        10 of 10  100.0
Governor HAWAII (D)                    |GREENWELL, Kelly              38   97.4|---------------------------------------
                        59 of 59  100.0|  Blank Votes                  1    2.6|ANDERSON, Aaron               27  100.0
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  Blank Votes                  0    0.0
CAYETANO, Ben              13918   71.2|=======================================|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
BREWER, Jim                 1213    6.2|State Senator - [D 1] (R)              |=======================================
HO, Richard C. S.            695    3.6|                        21 of 21  100.0|State Representative - [D 4] (D)       
TAMURA, Fred K.              538    2.8|---------------------------------------|                        10 of 10  100.0
ONAGA, Raymond N.            315    1.6|CARROLL, John S. (Keoni)    2750   44.8|---------------------------------------
SHIRATORI, Miles F.          273    1.4|CLARKE, Chuck               2086   34.0|HERKES, Robert N.           1615   66.2
  Blank Votes               2565   13.1|  Blank Votes               1302   21.2|ASTE, Virginia (Ginny)       628   25.7
  OverVotes                   31    0.2|  OverVotes                    4    0.1|  Blank Votes                193    7.9
=======================================|=======================================|  OverVotes                    3    0.1
                                       |                                       |=======================================
                                       |                                       |                                       
                                       |                                       |                                       
                                       |                                       |                                       
Open Primary 98 - STATE OF HAWAII - Hawaii County                                                              Page 002
9/19/98                                                                                 Printed on 10/19/98 at 04:58 pm
** Summary Report **                                                                                                   
Number 1.                                                                                                              
State Representative - [D 4] (NP)      |Councilmember - [D 4] (D)              |Councilmember - [D 8] (R)              
                        10 of 10  100.0|                          5 of 5  100.0|                          4 of 4  100.0
MUNDY, Richard J.              9   60.0|CHUNG, Aaron S. Y.          1868   88.6|TYLER, Curtis               2214   81.0
LAST, Michael L                3   20.0|  Blank Votes                240   11.4|  Blank Votes                519   19.0
  Blank Votes                  3   20.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================|=======================================
=======================================|Councilmember - [D 4] (R)              |Councilmember - [D 9] (D)              
State Representative - [D 4] (R)       |                          5 of 5  100.0|                          6 of 6  100.0
                        10 of 10  100.0|---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------
---------------------------------------|PELLANI, David               650   51.3|HANOHANO, Mike Happy        1088   56.7
REED, Robert                2232   63.4|  Blank Votes                616   48.7|ANDUHA, Manuel               352   18.4
  Blank Votes               1290   36.6|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|NAKOA, Randy                 255   13.3
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================|  Blank Votes                222   11.6
=======================================|Councilmember - [D 5] (D)              |  OverVotes                    1    0.1
State Representative - [D 5] (D)       |                          5 of 5  100.0|=======================================
                        11 of 11  100.0|---------------------------------------|Councilmember - [D 9] (R)              
---------------------------------------|SMITH, Al                    729   45.1|                          6 of 6  100.0
ISBELL, Virginia            1290   70.3|SAFARIK, Gary                530   32.8|---------------------------------------
MANN, Paul                   409   22.3|OLSON, Jon                   268   16.6|ELARIONOFF, Leningrad       1462   59.2
SUPALO, Ron                   39    2.1|HOLMES, Diana S.              41    2.5|KAIWI, John J.               771   31.2
  Blank Votes                 94    5.1|  Blank Votes                 41    2.5|  Blank Votes                235    9.5
  OverVotes                    4    0.2|  OverVotes                    6    0.4|  OverVotes                    2    0.1
State Representative - [D 5] (R)       |Councilmember - [D 5] (NP)             |BOE 2nd Dept (Maui) (SP)               
                        11 of 11  100.0|                          5 of 5  100.0|                        59 of 59  100.0
WHALEN, Paul C.             3150   79.2|ADLER, Jonathan               10   83.3|COLLINS, Lance (Kawika)     6154   15.8
  Blank Votes                829   20.8|  Blank Votes                  2   16.7|VICTORINO, Mike             5337   13.7
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|D'ENBEAU, Madelyn (Benni)   4547   11.7
=======================================|=======================================|LEAL, Mark D.               2070    5.3
State Representative - [D 6] (D)       |Councilmember - [D 5] (R)              |MYBECK, Walter R., II        926    2.4
                          7 of 7  100.0|                          5 of 5  100.0|  Blank Votes              19861   50.9
---------------------------------------|---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                   93    0.2
TARNAS, David A.             979   54.1|EVANS, Roger B.             1384   68.7|=======================================
AKANA, Eddie                 751   41.5|  Blank Votes                631   31.3|REGISTRATION AND TURNOUT               
  Blank Votes                 78    4.3|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|---------------------------------------
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|=======================================|                                       
=======================================|Councilmember - [D 5] (G)              |TOTAL REGISTRATION.......  75205       
State Representative - [D 6] (R)       |                          5 of 5  100.0|                                       
                          7 of 7  100.0|---------------------------------------|TOTAL TURNOUT............  38988   51.8
---------------------------------------|SIRACUSA, Rene                73   98.6|                                       
RATH, Jim                   2626   64.4|  Blank Votes                  1    1.4|   PRECINCT TURNOUT......  30092   40.0
MONSEF, Stanley              998   24.5|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                       
  Blank Votes                449   11.0|=======================================|      DEM................  14630   19.5
  OverVotes                    2    0.0|Councilmember - [D 6] (D)              |      REP................  14623   19.4
=======================================|                        10 of 10  100.0|      NATL...............      0    0.0
Councilmember - [D 1] (D)              |---------------------------------------|      LIB................     57    0.1
                        11 of 11  100.0|OYAMA, Steve M.             1094   68.9|      GREEN..............    189    0.3
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                493   31.1|      NON-P..............     59    0.1
YAGONG, Dominic             2094   68.5|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                       
MARTIN, George               693   22.7|=======================================|   INVALIDATIONS                       
KUAMO'O, Aileen M.           155    5.1|Councilmember - [D 6] (R)              |                                       
  Blank Votes                107    3.5|                        10 of 10  100.0|      MULTI-PARTY VOTING.    534    0.7
  OverVotes                    6    0.2|---------------------------------------|                                       
=======================================|SANTANGELO, John            1169   48.6|   ABSENTEE TURNOUT......   8896   11.8
Councilmember - [D 2] (D)              |RUSH, Greg                   921   38.3|                                       
                          6 of 6  100.0|  Blank Votes                313   13.0|      DEM................   4918    6.5
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    1    0.0|      REP................   3666    4.9
LEITHEAD-TODD, Bobby Jean   2410   79.2|=======================================|      NATL...............      0    0.0
  Blank Votes                632   20.8|Councilmember - [D 6] (G)              |      LIB................      5    0.0
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                        10 of 10  100.0|      GREEN..............     17    0.0
=======================================|---------------------------------------|      NON-P..............      5    0.0
Councilmember - [D 2] (R)              |JACOBSON, Julie               82  100.0|                                       
                          6 of 6  100.0|  Blank Votes                  0    0.0|   INVALIDATIONS                       
---------------------------------------|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                       
YOUNG, George K., Jr.        908   54.4|=======================================|      MULTI-PARTY VOTING.    285    0.4
  Blank Votes                761   45.6|Councilmember - [D 7] (D)              |                                       
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                          7 of 7  100.0|                                       
=======================================|---------------------------------------|OVERSEAS TURNOUT.........      0    0.0
Councilmember - [D 2] (G)              |PISICCHIO, Nancy             822   57.2|                                       
                          6 of 6  100.0|ROSNER, Joseph               367   25.5|   1ST CONGRESSIONAL.....      0    0.0
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                247   17.2|   2ND CONGRESSIONAL.....      0    0.0
SINKIN, Lanny                 24  100.0|  OverVotes                    1    0.1|=======================================
  Blank Votes                  0    0.0|=======================================|                                       
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|Councilmember - [D 7] (R)              |                                       
=======================================|                          7 of 7  100.0|                                       
Councilmember - [D 3] (D)              |---------------------------------------|                                       
                          5 of 5  100.0|REYNOLDS, Joe               2134   70.5|                                       
---------------------------------------|  Blank Votes                891   29.5|                                       
ARAKAKI, James Y.           3238   82.3|  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                       
  Blank Votes                694   17.7|=======================================|                                       
  OverVotes                    0    0.0|                                       |                                       
=======================================|                                       |                                       