Open Primary 2000  -  STATE OF HAWAII  - STATEWIDE                                                                            PAGE  001
                                                                                                      Printed on 09/24/00 at 6:00:27 AM

(L) U.S. Senator                                  (D) U.S. Representative - [D 2]                  (R) State Senator - [D 11]
                           336 of 336  100.0%                                 190 of 190  100.0%                                 12 of 12  100.0%

MALLAN, Lloyd Jeffrey               664  84.7%    MINK, Patsy Takemoto             66,255  79.0%   FULTON, Billy L.                    725  73.5%
  BLANK VOTES                       120  15.3%    COLLINS, Charles (Lucky)         10,663  12.7%     BLANK VOTES                       261  26.5%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                     6,948   8.3%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) U.S. Senator                                    OVER VOTES                         11   0.0%   (D) State Senator - [D 11]
                            336 of 336  100.0%    (R) State Senator - [D 2]                                                      12 of 12  100.0%
                                                                                17 of 17  100.0%
CARROLL, John                    33,349  54.5%                                                     TANIGUCHI, Brian T.               6,008  71.8%
DOUGLASS, Eugene F.               6,117  10.0%    O'LEARY, Paul (Bow Tie Guy)       2,353  44.5%   KAAPU, Kekoa David                1,682  20.1%
DELUZE, James R.                  3,910   6.4%      BLANK VOTES                     2,933  55.5%     BLANK VOTES                       680   8.1%
FRIEL, Harry J.                   3,277   5.4%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     OVER VOTES                          2   0.0%
  BLANK VOTES                    14,495  23.7%    (D) State Senator - [D 2]                        (R) State Senator - [D 12]
  OVER VOTES                         32   0.1%                                  17 of 17  100.0%                                 11 of 11  100.0%
(NL) U.S. Senator
                            336 of 336  100.0%    MATSUURA, David M.                5,948  72.1%   PETERSON, Aaron R.                1,541  70.9%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                     2,304  27.9%     BLANK VOTES                       631  29.1%
CLEGG, Lauri A.                     469  98.3%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  BLANK VOTES                         8   1.7%    (R) State Senator - [D 3]                        (D) State Senator - [D 12]
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                  22 of 22  100.0%                                 11 of 11  100.0%
(D) U.S. Senator
                            336 of 336  100.0%    FUJIKAWA, Earl                    1,850  38.0%   FUKUNAGA, Carol                   4,167  64.5%
                                                  MIYAMOTO, Filomena (Phil)         1,221  25.1%     BLANK VOTES                     2,290  35.5%
AKAKA, Daniel K.                150,507  84.9%      BLANK VOTES                     1,792  36.8%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
REYES, Art P.                    16,312   9.2%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   (D) State Senator - [D 14]
  BLANK VOTES                    10,420   5.9%    (D) State Senator - [D 3]                                                      14 of 14  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                         44   0.0%                                  22 of 22  100.0%
(C) U.S. Senator                                                                                   CHUN OAKLAND, Suzanne             5,438  79.6%
                            336 of 336  100.0%    LEVIN, Andrew (Andy)              4,411  78.9%     BLANK VOTES                     1,394  20.4%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                     1,179  21.1%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
PORTER, David                       122  61.3%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   (R) State Senator - [D 15]
MANNER, Paul                         76  38.2%    (R) State Senator - [D 5]                                                      11 of 11  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                         1   0.5%                                  15 of 15  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                                     MINA, Ed                            735  79.6%
(L) U.S. Representative - [D 1]                   SHISHIDO, Allen T.                  797  75.5%     BLANK VOTES                       188  20.4%
                            146 of 146  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                       259  24.5%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   (D) State Senator - [D 15]
MURPHY, Jerry                       375  87.0%    (D) State Senator - [D 5]                                                      11 of 11  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                        56  13.0%                                  15 of 15  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                                     KIM, Donna Mercado                7,098  78.7%
(R) U.S. Representative - [D 1]                   ENGLISH, J. Kalani                3,967  48.1%     BLANK VOTES                     1,922  21.3%
                            146 of 146  100.0%    NOBRIGA, Michael A.               2,996  36.4%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                  CASUMPANG, Nick, Jr.                922  11.2%   (D) State Senator - [D 16]
MEYERS, Phil                      9,408  41.0%      BLANK VOTES                       350   4.2%                                 12 of 12  100.0%
HAYES, Gladys Gerlich             7,783  33.9%      OVER VOTES                          5   0.1%
  BLANK VOTES                     5,773  25.1%    (R) State Senator - [D 8]                        SAKAMOTO, Norman                  4,881  75.8%
  OVER VOTES                         10   0.0%                                  12 of 12  100.0%     BLANK VOTES                     1,560  24.2%
(D) U.S. Representative - [D 1]                                                                      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                            146 of 146  100.0%    SLOM, Sam                         4,175  84.2%   (D) State Senator - [D 18]
                                                    BLANK VOTES                       786  15.8%                                 12 of 12  100.0%
ABERCROMBIE, Neil                72,289  77.4%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
BOURGOIN, David L.               13,115  14.0%    (D) State Senator - [D 8]                        MENOR, Ron                        7,833  81.0%
  BLANK VOTES                     7,989   8.6%                                  12 of 12  100.0%     BLANK VOTES                     1,833  19.0%
  OVER VOTES                         13   0.0%                                                       OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(L) U.S. Representative - [D 2]                   JOYNER, Marsha R.                 4,567  55.1%   (N) State Senator - [D 20]
                            190 of 190  100.0%    COLORETTI, Tony                   1,000  12.1%                                 13 of 13  100.0%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                     2,726  32.9%
DUQUESNE, Lawrence G.K.             277  78.5%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   GREENWOOD, Gig                       26 100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                        76  21.5%    (R) State Senator - [D 9]                          BLANK VOTES                         0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                  15 of 15  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) U.S. Representative - [D 2]                                                                    (L) State Senator - [D 20]
                            190 of 190  100.0%    CHUN, Theresa                     2,256  77.4%                                 13 of 13  100.0%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                       658  22.6%
FRANCIS, Russ                    20,354  53.3%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   THODE, Wade A.                       36  78.3%
DOUGLASS, Carol J.                5,986  15.7%    (D) State Senator - [D 9]                          BLANK VOTES                        10  21.7%
DONOVAN, James M. (The Ump)       3,852  10.1%                                  15 of 15  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  BLANK VOTES                     8,006  21.0%
  OVER VOTES                          8   0.0%    MATSUNAGA, Matt                   6,905  82.1%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                     1,501  17.9%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%

  A  = ALOHA 'AINA           C  = CONSTITUTION          G  = HAWAII GREEN         NL = NATURAL LAW           RF = REFORM
  D  = DEMOCRAT              L  = LIBERTARIAN           N  = NONPARTISAN          R  = REPUBLICAN

Open Primary 2000  -  STATE OF HAWAII  - STATEWIDE                                                                            PAGE  002
                                                                                                      Printed on 09/24/00 at 6:00:37 AM

(R) State Senator - [D 20]                        (G) State Representative - [D 4]                 (A) State Representative - [D 10]
                              13 of 13  100.0%                                  11 of 11  100.0%                                   8 of 8  100.0%

MAKINI, Henry L. (Hank)           2,597  78.3%    ASTE, Virginia (Ginny)              382  83.8%   GIBSON, Malia                        33 100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       718  21.7%      BLANK VOTES                        74  16.2%     BLANK VOTES                         0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(D) State Senator - [D 20]                        (D) State Representative - [D 4]                 (R) State Representative - [D 10]
                              13 of 13  100.0%                                  11 of 11  100.0%                                   8 of 8  100.0%

KANNO, Brian                      5,786  69.8%    HALE, Helene H.                   1,566  47.3%   BUKOSKI, Kika                       509  82.1%
  BLANK VOTES                     2,504  30.2%    EGER, Bill                          832  25.1%     BLANK VOTES                       111  17.9%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    HEGENT, Evelyn I. (Alani)           282   8.5%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) State Senator - [D 24]                        RILEY, Bob                          272   8.2%   (D) State Representative - [D 10]
                              13 of 13  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                       357  10.8%                                   8 of 8  100.0%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%
HOGUE, Bob                        3,303  91.3%    (R) State Representative - [D 5]                 VROOM, JJ                         1,255  32.9%
  BLANK VOTES                       314   8.7%                                  11 of 11  100.0%   SEGUNDO, Frances (Mrs.)           1,142  29.9%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                                     EVERT, Dan                          644  16.9%
(D) State Senator - [D 24]                        WHALEN, Paul K.                   1,831  75.7%   PARSONS, Dale                       369   9.7%
                              13 of 13  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                       588  24.3%     BLANK VOTES                       408  10.7%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%
NALUA'I, Solomon D.K.             4,622  59.9%    (D) State Representative - [D 5]                 (R) State Representative - [D 11]
IGE, Marshall                     2,106  27.3%                                  11 of 11  100.0%                                   7 of 7  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       988  12.8%
  OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%    ISBELL, Virginia                  1,663  72.9%   HALFORD, Chris                      988  63.3%
(R) State Senator - [D 25]                          BLANK VOTES                       617  27.1%   JOINER, Buck                        529  33.9%
                              12 of 12  100.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                        44   2.8%
                                                  (R) State Representative - [D 6]                   OVER VOTES                          1   0.1%
HEMMINGS, Fred                    4,253  73.4%                                    7 of 7  100.0%   (G) State Representative - [D 11]
ANDERSON, Whitney T.              1,292  22.3%                                                                                      7 of 7  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       253   4.4%    RATH, Jim                         1,895  72.5%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                       720  27.5%   STENSHOL, Shaun                      39 100.0%
(D) State Senator - [D 25]                          OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                         0   0.0%
                              12 of 12  100.0%    (R) State Representative - [D 7]                   OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                                                  9 of 9  100.0%   (D) State Representative - [D 11]
KALIMA, Leona Mapuana             1,969  44.4%                                                                                     7 of 7  100.0%
FRIEDHEIM, Jay                    1,196  27.0%    DAVIS, Ron                          544  66.7%
  BLANK VOTES                     1,268  28.6%    BARSATAN VILA, Flora                227  27.9%   STARR, Jonathan                     900  42.3%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                        44   5.4%   BROWN, Dee                          556  26.1%
(D) State Representative - [D 1]                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   AMARAL, Zandra Souza                448  21.0%
                              14 of 14  100.0%    (D) State Representative - [D 7]                   BLANK VOTES                       225  10.6%
                                                                                  9 of 9  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%
TAKAMINE, Dwight Y.               2,791  78.6%                                                     (NL) State Representative - [D 12]
  BLANK VOTES                       761  21.4%    KAHO'OHALAHALA, Sol P.            1,549  75.3%                                    9 of 9  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                       507  24.7%
(D) State Representative - [D 2]                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   WEST-TICKLE, Ann E.                  35  76.1%
                                9 of 9  100.0%    (R) State Representative - [D 8]                   BLANK VOTES                        11  23.9%
                                                                                  6 of 6  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
CHANG, Jerry (Leslie)             2,692  74.6%                                                     (D) State Representative - [D 12]
  BLANK VOTES                       916  25.4%    PETERSON, Patty (Nagasako)          468  76.5%                                   9 of 9  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                       144  23.5%
(D) State Representative - [D 3]                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   MORITA, Hermina M. (Mina)         2,525  70.4%
                                8 of 8  100.0%    (D) State Representative - [D 8]                   BLANK VOTES                     1,060  29.6%
                                                                                  6 of 6  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
HAMAKAWA, Eric G.                 3,595  77.4%                                                     (R) State Representative - [D 13]
  BLANK VOTES                     1,049  22.6%    SOUKI, Joe                        1,943  73.3%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                       708  26.7%
(L) State Representative - [D 4]                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   LUGO, Juan                          416  60.0%
                              11 of 11  100.0%    (R) State Representative - [D 9]                   BLANK VOTES                       277  40.0%
                                                                                  7 of 7  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
ANDERSON, Aaron                      19 100.0%                                                     (D) State Representative - [D 13]
  BLANK VOTES                         0   0.0%    HENRY, John F.                      289  66.6%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                       145  33.4%
(R) State Representative - [D 4]                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   KANOHO, Ezra R.                   3,232  75.0%
                              11 of 11  100.0%    (D) State Representative - [D 9]                   BLANK VOTES                     1,078  25.0%
                                                                                  7 of 7  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
REED, Robert                      1,002  41.0%
GAMBER, Kathie                      533  21.8%    NAKASONE, Bob                     3,426  77.4%
ANTONE, Desmon D.                   277  11.3%      BLANK VOTES                     1,002  22.6%
  BLANK VOTES                       632  25.9%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%

  A  = ALOHA 'AINA           C  = CONSTITUTION          G  = HAWAII GREEN         NL = NATURAL LAW           RF = REFORM
  D  = DEMOCRAT              L  = LIBERTARIAN           N  = NONPARTISAN          R  = REPUBLICAN

Open Primary 2000  -  STATE OF HAWAII  - STATEWIDE                                                                            PAGE  003
                                                                                                      Printed on 09/24/00 at 6:00:47 AM

(R) State Representative - [D 14]                 (R) State Representative - [D 20]                (D) State Representative - [D 25]
 874                          10 of 10  100.0%     477                            5 of 5  100.0%    2,9                            6 of 6  100.0%

HOFF, John                          694  79.4%    MATSUMOTO, Scott T.                 402  84.3%   HIRAKI, Kenneth T. (Ken)          2,332  78.1%
  BLANK VOTES                       180  20.6%      BLANK VOTES                        75  15.7%     BLANK VOTES                       655  21.9%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(D) State Representative - [D 14]                 (D) State Representative - [D 20]                (R) State Representative - [D 26]
                              10 of 10  100.0%                                    5 of 5  100.0%                                   7 of 7  100.0%

KAWAKAMI, Bertha C.               3,480  82.1%    SAIKI, Scott K.                   2,236  82.7%   PANG, David                         872  84.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       761  17.9%      BLANK VOTES                       469  17.3%     BLANK VOTES                       166  16.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) State Representative - [D 15]                 (R) State Representative - [D 21]                (D) State Representative - [D 26]
                                5 of 5  100.0%                                    5 of 5  100.0%                                   7 of 7  100.0%

STONEBRAKER, William              1,097  45.6%    FOX, Galen                        1,049  90.0%   LUKE, Sylvia J.                   3,400  80.7%
KING, Adrienne S.                   582  24.2%    DEFLAVIS, Raymond E.                 81   7.0%     BLANK VOTES                       812  19.3%
MARQUES, Mike                       361  15.0%      BLANK VOTES                        35   3.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
WOODALL, Kerrie (Lane)              152   6.3%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   (R) State Representative - [D 27]
TERRY, Mark                         140   5.8%    (D) State Representative - [D 21]                                                7 of 7  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                        74   3.1%                                    5 of 5  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                                     AKAMINE, Ken                        414  60.2%
(D) State Representative - [D 15]                 BROWER, Tom                         542  33.8%   WIEBE, Charles H.                   201  29.2%
                                5 of 5  100.0%    MALDONADO, David                    327  20.4%     BLANK VOTES                        73  10.6%
                                                  MORGENWECK, Robert J.               170  10.6%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
KNUDSEN, Greg                     1,354  35.2%      BLANK VOTES                       565  35.2%   (D) State Representative - [D 27]
ZANE, Kelly                       1,171  30.5%      OVER VOTES                          1   0.1%                                   7 of 7  100.0%
BENHAM, Roy L.                      593  15.4%    (R) State Representative - [D 22]
RODGERS, Charlie Thomas             419  10.9%                                    5 of 5  100.0%   AHU ISA, Lei                      2,946  76.3%
  BLANK VOTES                       303   7.9%                                                       BLANK VOTES                       916  23.7%
  OVER VOTES                          4   0.1%    KINOSHITA, Joseph A. (Joe)          275  42.2%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) State Representative - [D 16]                 HOLS, William (Bill)                188  28.8%   (D) State Representative - [D 28]
                                6 of 6  100.0%    GUAGLIARDO, John S.                 109  16.7%                                   5 of 5  100.0%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                        80  12.3%
LEONG, Bertha F.K.                1,773  85.9%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   ARAKAKI, Dennis A.                3,119  85.9%
  BLANK VOTES                       290  14.1%    (D) State Representative - [D 22]                  BLANK VOTES                       513  14.1%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                    5 of 5  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) State Representative - [D 17]                                                                  (R) State Representative - [D 29]
                                7 of 7  100.0%    YOSHINAGA, Terry Nui              1,961  76.7%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                       595  23.3%
MARUMOTO, Barbara C.              2,115  92.2%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   HARDING, Ken                        173  78.6%
  BLANK VOTES                       180   7.8%    (D) State Representative - [D 23]                  BLANK VOTES                        47  21.4%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                    7 of 7  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) State Representative - [D 18]                                                                  (D) State Representative - [D 29]
                                6 of 6  100.0%    CASE, Ed                          4,017  72.0%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
                                                  IWAI, Jason Katsuji               1,378  24.7%
GAU, Wayne W.                       527  72.1%      BLANK VOTES                       183   3.3%   ABINSAY, Jun                      1,973  73.3%
  BLANK VOTES                       204  27.9%      OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%   FUNG, Lester L.                     460  17.1%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    (R) State Representative - [D 24]                  BLANK VOTES                       257   9.6%
(D) State Representative - [D 18]                                                 6 of 6  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                6 of 6  100.0%                                                     (R) State Representative - [D 30]
                                                  AIONA, Sam                          995  95.1%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
SAY, Calvin K.Y.                  3,608  87.0%      BLANK VOTES                        51   4.9%
  BLANK VOTES                       541  13.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   ROMUALDEZ, Martin                   198  76.7%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    (D) State Representative - [D 24]                  BLANK VOTES                        60  23.3%
(R) State Representative - [D 19]                                                 6 of 6  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                7 of 7  100.0%                                                     (D) State Representative - [D 30]
                                                  SCHATZ, Brian                     2,771  74.3%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
JAFFE, Mindy                      1,096  86.2%    CHOI, Casey K.                      824  22.1%
  BLANK VOTES                       175  13.8%      BLANK VOTES                       131   3.5%   CABREROS, Ben                       957  48.9%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%   JACOBE, Lincoln (Abing)             640  32.7%
(D) State Representative - [D 19]                 (R) State Representative - [D 25]                YAW, Shane D.K.                     131   6.7%
                                7 of 7  100.0%                                    6 of 6  100.0%     BLANK VOTES                       227  11.6%
                                                                                                     OVER VOTES                          3   0.2%
YAMANE, Brian Y.                  2,544  74.5%    HUNSAKER, Mark                      649  80.3%   (D) State Representative - [D 31]
  BLANK VOTES                       869  25.5%      BLANK VOTES                       159  19.7%                                   7 of 7  100.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                                                                   SUZUKI, Nathan                    3,715  74.1%
                                                                                                     BLANK VOTES                     1,301  25.9%
                                                                                                     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%

  A  = ALOHA 'AINA           C  = CONSTITUTION          G  = HAWAII GREEN         NL = NATURAL LAW           RF = REFORM
  D  = DEMOCRAT              L  = LIBERTARIAN           N  = NONPARTISAN          R  = REPUBLICAN

Open Primary 2000  -  STATE OF HAWAII  - STATEWIDE                                                                            PAGE  004
                                                                                                      Printed on 09/24/00 at 6:00:56 AM

(R) State Representative - [D 32]                 (R) State Representative - [D 39]                (A) State Representative - [D 44]
                                5 of 5  100.0%                                    7 of 7  100.0%                                   3 of 3  100.0%

McDERMOTT, Bob                      785  95.2%    ONTAI, Guy P.                     1,466  79.7%   KAMAHELE, Momi                      103 100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                        40   4.8%    ELLIS, David                        294  16.0%     BLANK VOTES                         0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                        80   4.3%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(D) State Representative - [D 32]                   OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   (R) State Representative - [D 44]
                                5 of 5  100.0%    (D) State Representative - [D 39]                                                3 of 3  100.0%
                                                                                  7 of 7  100.0%
AGUINALDO, Eddie V.               1,396  71.4%                                                     AUWAE, Emily J. Daniel              668  92.8%
  BLANK VOTES                       558  28.6%    NEKOTA, Charlotte L.              3,903  71.7%     BLANK VOTES                        52   7.2%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                     1,542  28.3%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(D) State Representative - [D 33]                   OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   (D) State Representative - [D 44]
                                6 of 6  100.0%    (R) State Representative - [D 40]                                                3 of 3  100.0%
                                                                                  5 of 5  100.0%
OSHIRO, Blake K.                  2,449  49.5%                                                     JONES, Merwyn Seichi              1,422  69.2%
KUSAKA, Randall T. (Randy)        2,072  41.9%    TOMAS, Allan                        524  81.0%   HERRMANN, Charles, Jr.              361  17.6%
  BLANK VOTES                       424   8.6%      BLANK VOTES                       123  19.0%   SPAIN, Jason H.                      89   4.3%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                       183   8.9%
(D) State Representative - [D 34]                 (D) State Representative - [D 40]                  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                4 of 4  100.0%                                    5 of 5  100.0%   (R) State Representative - [D 45]
                                                                                                                                   6 of 6  100.0%
TAKAI, K. Mark                    3,880  81.7%    OSHIRO, Marcus R.                 2,501  84.3%
  BLANK VOTES                       870  18.3%      BLANK VOTES                       465  15.7%   AKI, Helmut (Kalani)                305  47.1%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   TILLEY, Gordon (Butch)              301  46.5%
(R) State Representative - [D 35]                 (R) State Representative - [D 41]                  BLANK VOTES                        42   6.5%
                                5 of 5  100.0%                                    6 of 6  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                                                                   (D) State Representative - [D 45]
KESSELL, Chris Hart                 375  74.0%    SMITH, Pam Lee                      748  62.4%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       132  26.0%    MIYASHIRO, Mary Ann                 347  28.9%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    MUSE, Delores June                   28   2.3%   MAGAOAY, Michael Y.                 860  33.9%
(D) State Representative - [D 35]                   BLANK VOTES                        76   6.3%   LYONS, Marilee                      731  28.8%
                                5 of 5  100.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   AWAI, Jimmy                         499  19.7%
                                                  (D) State Representative - [D 41]                LUNASCO, Ollie                      369  14.5%
YONAMINE, Noboru (Nobu)           3,044  55.8%                                    6 of 6  100.0%     BLANK VOTES                        74   2.9%
TAKEUCHI, Nathan H.               2,207  40.5%                                                       OVER VOTES                          4   0.2%
  BLANK VOTES                       205   3.8%    ESPERO, Willie C.                 2,464  61.0%   (R) State Representative - [D 46]
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    ALEXANDER, Jeff                   1,010  25.0%                                   4 of 4  100.0%
(R) State Representative - [D 36]                 RABACAL, Lance M.                   246   6.1%
                                7 of 7  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                       315   7.8%   MEYER, Colleen                    1,228  92.9%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          2   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                        94   7.1%
NUUSA, John                         196  76.0%    (R) State Representative - [D 42]                  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  BLANK VOTES                        62  24.0%                                    8 of 8  100.0%   (D) State Representative - [D 46]
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                                                                     4 of 4  100.0%
(D) State Representative - [D 36]                 MOSES, Mark                       1,933  90.9%
                                7 of 7  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                       194   9.1%   OKUDA, George                       706  35.7%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   GREER, Sunny Alonzo                 578  29.3%
TAKUMI, Roy                       1,987  49.9%    (D) State Representative - [D 42]                TANOUYE, Charles, Jr.               421  21.3%
SONSON, Alex M.                   1,896  47.7%                                    8 of 8  100.0%     BLANK VOTES                       270  13.7%
  BLANK VOTES                        95   2.4%                                                       OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%    TIMSON, Maeda C.                  3,380  78.3%   (R) State Representative - [D 47]
(D) State Representative - [D 37]                 GREENWOOD, Kyle                     525  12.2%                                   4 of 4  100.0%
                                7 of 7  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                       411   9.5%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   DJOU, Charles Kong                1,318  86.6%
GARCIA, Nestor R.                 3,218  80.5%    (R) State Representative - [D 43]                  BLANK VOTES                       204  13.4%
  BLANK VOTES                       781  19.5%                                    5 of 5  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                                     (D) State Representative - [D 47]
(R) State Representative - [D 38]                 KISSELL, Denton H.                  371  82.3%                                   4 of 4  100.0%
                                4 of 4  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                        80  17.7%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   CATALANI, Iris Ikeda              3,097  80.9%
CAINDEC-STEWART, Chita              521  78.2%    (D) State Representative - [D 43]                  BLANK VOTES                       730  19.1%
  BLANK VOTES                       145  21.8%                                    5 of 5  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%                                                     (R) State Representative - [D 48]
(D) State Representative - [D 38]                 KAHIKINA, Michael P.              1,426  61.4%                                   5 of 5  100.0%
                                4 of 4  100.0%    HOOHULI, Robert K.                  784  33.7%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                       112   4.8%   MOKU, Sam                         1,097  79.4%
LEE, Marilyn B.                   2,284  55.3%      OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                       284  20.6%
BEAMER, Kekuailohia (Keke)        1,638  39.7%                                                       OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       209   5.1%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%

  A  = ALOHA 'AINA           C  = CONSTITUTION          G  = HAWAII GREEN         NL = NATURAL LAW           RF = REFORM
  D  = DEMOCRAT              L  = LIBERTARIAN           N  = NONPARTISAN          R  = REPUBLICAN

Open Primary 2000  -  STATE OF HAWAII  - STATEWIDE                                                                            PAGE  005
                                                                                                      Printed on 09/24/00 at 6:01:05 AM

(D) State Representative - [D 48]                 Councilmember - Honolulu [D 8]                   (D) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 3]
                                5 of 5  100.0%                                  24 of 24  100.0%    3,3                            5 of 5  100.0%

ITO, Ken                          3,332  82.6%    OKINO, Gary                      11,940  48.8%   ARAKAKI, James (Jim)              2,610  76.9%
  BLANK VOTES                       701  17.4%    NONO, Richard C.                  4,592  18.8%     BLANK VOTES                       782  23.1%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    ADER, Carlota                     1,603   6.6%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) State Representative - [D 49]                 ROWLAND, Richard (Dick)           1,594   6.5%   (D) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 4]
                                6 of 6  100.0%    DELA CRUZ, Ligaya T.                922   3.8%                                   5 of 5  100.0%
                                                  YOUNG, Darrell Kaipo                765   3.1%
THIELEN, Cynthia                  2,380  83.0%      BLANK VOTES                     3,018  12.3%   CHUNG, Aaron                      1,472  81.1%
  BLANK VOTES                       488  17.0%      OVER VOTES                         21   0.1%     BLANK VOTES                       343  18.9%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    (N) Mayor - County of Hawaii                       OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
(R) State Representative - [D 50]                                                60 of 60  100.0%   (R) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 5]
                                7 of 7  100.0%                                                                                     6 of 6  100.0%
                                                  ADLER, Jon (New Possibility)         40  87.0%
PENDLETON, David A.               1,865  79.8%    PEACOCK, Mike                         6  13.0%   EVANS, Roger                        774  49.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       472  20.2%      BLANK VOTES                         0   0.0%   DURKAN, Michael J.                  434  27.5%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                       370  23.4%
(D) State Representative - [D 50]                 (R) Mayor - County of Hawaii                       OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                7 of 7  100.0%                                  60 of 60  100.0%   (G) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 5]
                                                                                                                                   6 of 6  100.0%
HUSSEY, Ikaika                    2,197  64.1%    KIM, Harry                        9,940  68.6%
  BLANK VOTES                     1,231  35.9%    TAJIRI, Harvey S.                 4,030  27.8%   HIRAKAMI, Steven A. (Steve)         214  89.9%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    KAEHUAEA, Wendell J.                151   1.0%     BLANK VOTES                        24  10.1%
(R) State Representative - [D 51]                 GREGORY, Stuart                      86   0.6%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                7 of 7  100.0%    ROUDEBUSH, Dan                       86   0.6%   (D) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 5]
                                                  NACHBAR, Myron A.                    76   0.5%                                   6 of 6  100.0%
GOMES, Joe                        1,575  60.1%      BLANK VOTES                       113   0.8%
ANDERSON, Eve Glover                878  33.5%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%   SAFARIK, Gary                     1,111  53.1%
  BLANK VOTES                       165   6.3%    (G) Mayor - County of Hawaii                     SMITH, Al                           753  36.0%
  OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%                                  60 of 60  100.0%   KUBERA, Jeane R.                    181   8.6%
(D) State Representative - [D 51]                                                                    BLANK VOTES                        48   2.3%
                                7 of 7  100.0%    BONK, Keiko                       1,315  97.3%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                  WHEAT, Buck                          21   1.6%   (R) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 6]
GOODENOW, Kenny                   1,886  80.9%      BLANK VOTES                        13   1.0%                                 10 of 10  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                       444  19.1%      OVER VOTES                          3   0.2%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    (D) Mayor - County of Hawaii                     SANTANGELO, John                    776  49.3%
Mayor - City & County of Honolulu                                               60 of 60  100.0%   KEMP, Russell (Rusty)               519  33.0%
                            214 of 214  100.0%                                                       BLANK VOTES                       280  17.8%
                                                  HOLSCHUH, Fred C.                10,727  55.1%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
HARRIS, Jeremy                   94,067  49.7%    HERKES, Robert N. (Bob)           7,191  37.0%   (G) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 6]
HANNEMANN, Mufi                  65,652  34.7%    NAVARRO, Gery                       672   3.5%                                 10 of 10  100.0%
FASI, Frank F.                   23,293  12.3%      BLANK VOTES                       861   4.4%
HONG, Lillian Lai-Lam Wang        1,363   0.7%      OVER VOTES                          1   0.0%   JACOBSON, Julie                     281  87.8%
DICKYJ                              346   0.2%    (D) Prosecuting Attorney - County of Hawaii        BLANK VOTES                        39  12.2%
POWERS, Michael                     317   0.2%                                  60 of 60  100.0%     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
BELLOWS, Bruce L.                   279   0.1%                                                     (R) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 7]
HITCHCOCK, Larry                    191   0.1%    KIMURA, Jay T.                   11,934  61.4%                                   7 of 7  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                     3,832   2.0%    CARREIRA, Brenda L.               5,843  30.0%
  OVER VOTES                         92   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                     1,673   8.6%   REYNOLDS, Mary                    1,106  59.5%
Prosecuting Attorney - C & C of Honolulu            OVER VOTES                          2   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                       752  40.5%
                            214 of 214  100.0%    (D) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 1]                   OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                                                11 of 11  100.0%   (D) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 7]
CARLISLE, Peter B.              128,910  68.1%                                                                                     7 of 7  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                    60,522  31.9%    YAGONG, Dominic                   2,125  79.2%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%      BLANK VOTES                       558  20.8%   PISICCHIO, Nancy                  1,307  71.9%
Councilmember - Honolulu [D 7]                      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                       511  28.1%
                              23 of 23  100.0%    (L) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 2]                   OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                                                  6 of 6  100.0%   (R) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 8]
CACHOLA, Romy M.                  8,075  46.1%                                                                                     4 of 4  100.0%
NAKASATO, Dennis M.               7,549  43.1%    KEEFE, Jim (O'Keefe)                  4  80.0%
TATAII, Steve Kepano                512   2.9%      BLANK VOTES                         1  20.0%   TYLER, Curtis                     1,315  74.9%
  BLANK VOTES                     1,381   7.9%      OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                       441  25.1%
  OVER VOTES                         15   0.1%    (D) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 2]                   OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%
                                                                                  6 of 6  100.0%   (NL) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 8]
                                                                                                                                   4 of 4  100.0%
                                                  LEITHEAD-TODD, Bobby Jean         2,016  73.1%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                       743  26.9%   CONNAUGHTON, Ed (Mr. Ed)              4 100.0%
                                                    OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%     BLANK VOTES                         0   0.0%
                                                                                                     OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%

  A  = ALOHA 'AINA           C  = CONSTITUTION          G  = HAWAII GREEN         NL = NATURAL LAW           RF = REFORM
  D  = DEMOCRAT              L  = LIBERTARIAN           N  = NONPARTISAN          R  = REPUBLICAN

Open Primary 2000  -  STATE OF HAWAII  - STATEWIDE                                                                            PAGE  006
                                                                                                      Printed on 09/24/00 at 6:01:14 AM

(R) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 9]                  Councilmember - Kauai (7)
                                6 of 6  100.0%                                  20 of 20  100.0%    REGISTRATION AND TURNOUT
ELARIONOFF, Leningrad             1,054  66.4%    BAPTISTE, Bryan J.                8,881   8.6%   PRIMARY
  BLANK VOTES                       533  33.6%    VALENCIANO, Randal                8,136   7.9%   **********************
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    ASING, Bill (Kaipo)               8,115   7.8%   TOTAL  REGISTRATION             629,162
(G) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 9]                  KOUCHI, Ronald                    7,471   7.2%
                                6 of 6  100.0%    TOKIOKA, James Kunane             7,328   7.1%   TOTAL  TURNOUT                  250,848  39.9%
                                                  HOOSER, Gary L.                   7,058   6.8%
CAZIMERO, Tanny                     140  70.4%    SWAIN, Billy Kealamaikahiki       5,866   5.7%       PRECINCT TURNOUT            201,656  32.1%
  BLANK VOTES                        59  29.6%    KANESHIRO, Daryl W.               5,491   5.3%         ALOHA 'AINA............       120   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    BARRETTO, John F., Jr.            3,896   3.8%         NONPARTISAN............        67   0.0%
(D) Councilmember - Hawaii [D 9]                  LIBRE, Rhoda                      2,441   2.4%         LIBERTARIAN............       687   0.1%
                                6 of 6  100.0%    GERARDO, Cayetano (Sonny)         2,406   2.3%         REPUBLICAN.............    50,266   8.0%
                                                  KAHALEKAI, J. Kauilani            2,375   2.3%         HAWAII GREEN...........     1,176   0.2%
AKANA, Eddie                      1,212  69.6%    PRIGGE, Joseph, Jr.               1,428   1.4%         NATURAL LAW............       426   0.1%
  BLANK VOTES                       530  30.4%    DONOVAN, Anne M.                  1,248   1.2%         REFORM.................         0   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    CARIFFE, Bob                      1,003   1.0%         DEMOCRAT...............   141,885  22.6%
Councilmember - Wailuku-Waihee-Waikapu            RIDGLEY, Roger A., Jr.              621   0.6%         CONSTITUTION...........       166   0.0%
                              41 of 41  100.0%    MEYERS, Bob                         509   0.5%
                                                    UNDER VOTES                    29,166  28.2%         INVALIDATIONS
KANE, Dain P.                    12,208  55.0%      OVER VOTES                         19   0.0%
VICTORINO, Michael (Mike)         6,540  29.5%    BOE 3rd Dept/Honolulu (1)                               MULTI PARTY                6,863   1.1%
TYAU, Winston D. (Aikapa)           569   2.6%                                214 of 214  100.0%
  BLANK VOTES                     2,862  12.9%                                                  
  OVER VOTES                          8   0.0%    MATSUMOTO, Denise                93,530  49.4%      ABSENTEE TURNOUT              49,192   7.8%
Councilmember - Kahului                           KIRKPATRICK, Malcolm             21,953  11.6%
                              41 of 41  100.0%    BRAWLEY, Dick                    12,843   6.8%         ALOHA 'AINA............        16   0.0%
                                                    BLANK VOTES                    61,071  32.2%         NONPARTISAN............         5   0.0%
ARAKAWA, Alan M.                 12,427  56.0%      OVER VOTES                         35   0.0%         LIBERTARIAN............        97   0.0%
DAVIS, Mike                       7,014  31.6%    BOE 5th Dept/Leeward (1)                               REPUBLICAN.............    10,912   0.0%
SIPIORA, Thomas (Tom)               370   1.7%                                214 of 214  100.0%         HAWAII GREEN...........       215   0.0%
  BLANK VOTES                     2,365  10.7%                                                           NATURAL LAW............        51   0.0%
  OVER VOTES                         11   0.0%    NAKANO, Ronald B.Y.              48,417  25.6%         REFORM.................         0   0.0%
Councilmember - South Maui                        HARRIS, Marilyn                  40,357  21.3%         DEMOCRAT...............    35,384   5.6%
                              41 of 41  100.0%    MATA, Ronald Correa              15,809   8.3%         CONSTITUTION...........        33   0.0%
                                                  GILBERT, Dave                    12,311   6.5%
NISHIKI, Wayne K.                 9,151  41.2%      BLANK VOTES                    72,448  38.2%         INVALIDATIONS
BRITTON, Lynn                     6,281  28.3%      OVER VOTES                         90   0.0%
KAPAHULEHUA, Bully                2,910  13.1%    BOE 7th Dept/Kauai (1)                                  MULTI PARTY...........     2,479   0.4%
STATON, Bill                        979   4.4%                                122 of 122  100.0%
WARREN, Steve                       829   3.7%                                                     **********************
  BLANK VOTES                     2,027   9.1%    NAKASHIMA, Mitsugi               17,627  24.1%   SPECIAL
  OVER VOTES                         10   0.0%    HARA, Sherwood                   14,726  20.2%   **********************
Councilmember - Makawao-Haiku-Paia                GEORGI, William (Bill)           11,887  16.3%   TOTAL TURNOUT................    11,622   1.8%
                              41 of 41  100.0%      BLANK VOTES                    28,784  39.4%
                                                    OVER VOTES                         14   0.0%      PRECINCT TURNOUT..........     9,708   1.5%
ENRIQUES, John Wayne              7,051  31.8%    BOE No Dept School Dist Res (3)                     ABSENTEE TURNOUT..........     1,914   0.3%
MOLINA, Mike                      6,745  30.4%                                214 of 214  100.0%
PARSONS, Robert                   2,668  12.0%
MORROW, Dan                       2,382  10.7%    BRODIE, Lex                      77,605  13.7%
BERTRAM, Joe, III                   761   3.4%    IKEDA, Donna R.                  69,570  12.2%
  BLANK VOTES                     2,565  11.6%    GABBARD, Carol                   38,245   6.7%
  OVER VOTES                         15   0.1%    TOGUCHI, Garrett                 33,032   5.8%
County of Kauai - Prosecuting Attorney            HEUPEL, Jacqueline Whitford      22,582   4.0%
                              20 of 20  100.0%    YEE, Randall M.L.                21,053   3.7%
                                                  WONG, Mike                       18,417   3.2%
SOONG, Michael Kaipoleimanu       8,552  57.8%    YAMAMOTO, Brandon K.             15,616   2.7%
  BLANK VOTES                     6,232  42.2%    GABBARD, Ryan                    15,132   2.7%
  OVER VOTES                          0   0.0%    BREWER, Jim                      14,899   2.6%
                                                  ROBINSON, Shirley A.             12,921   2.3%
                                                  KUROIWA, James I., Jr.           12,344   2.2%
                                                  KEKIPI, Velma P. Aloha           11,563   2.0%
                                                  CHOI, Rachel E.                   9,611   1.7%
                                                  GOLOJUCH, Carolyn Martinez        9,221   1.6%
                                                  WILLIAMS, Jasmine                 8,872   1.6%
                                                  OSHIYAMA, Libby Pulelehua         8,519   1.5%
                                                  LINVILLE, Marcia Buck             7,308   1.3%
                                                    UNDER VOTES                   161,282  28.4%
                                                    OVER VOTES                        248   0.0%

  A  = ALOHA 'AINA           C  = CONSTITUTION          G  = HAWAII GREEN         NL = NATURAL LAW           RF = REFORM
  D  = DEMOCRAT              L  = LIBERTARIAN           N  = NONPARTISAN          R  = REPUBLICAN